Company Overview
Solutions for Transit was formed to fill a need that we experienced during our transit careers, specifically the need for accurate, reliable data. We developed The Reporting Solution to fill that need. The Reporting Solution has become the cornerstone of our company.
Solutions for Transit, a DBE-certified company, provides a variety of services for transit. With combined experience of over 40 years in transit, we have the expertise to assist agencies in preparing for the future, both short-term and long-term. We have hands-on experience in transit, experience actually running a variety of departments within transit organizations. This makes us different from many consultants, consultants who have never had the opportunity to do more than talk to people in transit. We specialize in helping agencies meet their operational requirements, as well as assisting agencies going through re-organization.
We at Solutions for Transit recognize that we are not the largest or the oldest firm to place a bid for your services. During our careers in transit, we have identified the short-comings relating to consulting services of this type, and we have dedicated our new careers to establishing a firm that takes responsibility for meeting the expectations of our customers. You will find, by selecting our firm, that we will take ownership of the projects entrusted to us and make them our responsibility. Solutions for Transit is comprised of transit professionals that have successfully met and overcome the challenges of FTA reviews, customer complaints and comments, CARB expectations, and operational issues facing every transit agency.